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Research Resources

Xenios & Larry


Image Registration with Automatic Differentiation (IRAD)

This software demonstrates the use of automatic differentiation to compute gradients of rigid and nonrigid image registration similarity metrics. It is based on ITK and ADCHECK (below).

Download: irad-1.0.0.tar.gz

Automatic Differentiation with Checkpointing (ADCHECK)

This package is a combination of two other packages--ADOLC and Revolve--written by Andreas Griewank. ADOLC and Revolve are separate libraries and in this package I combined them together, since both are necessary for IRAD (above). To do this I had to add a few new classes and make some modifications to ADOLC. Changes that I've made to ADOLC are documented in the file CHANGES located in the top level directory.

Download: adcheck-0.99.tar.gz

Fast Multipole Interpolation (FMI)

This is a software library written in C++ for multiquadric radial basis function interpolation (3D only) using the fast multipole algorithm. It was originally written as a part of IRAD but I later rewrote it to be a separate, independent library. It is essentially an implementation of the following two papers:

  • Beatson, R. K., Cherrie, J. B., and Mouat, C. T. (1999).
    Fast fitting of radial basis functions: Methods based on preconditioned GMRES iteration.
    Advances in Computational Mathematics, 11:253--270.
  • Cherrie, J. B., Beatson, R. K., and Newsam, G. N. (2002).
    Fast evaluation of radial basis functions: Methods for generalized multiquadrics in Rn.
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 23(5):1549--1571.

Download: fmi-0.99.1.tar.gz

The Zubal Phantom: Voxel-Based Anthropomorphic Phantoms

Please visit the Zubal Phantom site, where we store and distribute several sets of segmented images of two living human males. The original torso phantom consists of a CT-based torso and a CT-based head. This was constructed under a Department of Energy grant (FG02-88ER60724) and was conceived for use in Monte Carlo simulations of nuclear medicine imaging geometries. Read more...